Wednesday, December 24, 2008

December 24, 2008...

Sorry, no long post today. :( Vera still has her temperature, but slept relatively well considering. She is in a good mood when the medicine takes her temperature down.

M came to do the Embassy paperwork with us.

We stayed in all day except for Ryan going to get us pizza at Sbarro for dinner.

Vera keeps me on my toes! She gets into everything! I don't remember Kiara being like that.

Tomorrow around 8 AM the doctor comes to our apartment for her Embassy physical. Then, Ryan is leaving around 10 AM to go pick up Vera's Russian passport. It will be a Christmas like no other, that is for sure.

I wish everyone a wonderful and memorable Christmas. We are missing our families, especially today and tomorrow. We love you all and will see you real soon! Don't forget the Reason for the Season! Merry Christmas!!


Nate and Joy said...

Merry Christmas to your family of 4!

ma_saxsma said...

Merry Christmas to you all! You will be able to enjoy family time and celebrate the true reason for the season. What a way to start off the new year. Praying for sleep, health and fun family times for you. Love you guys. Saxsmas said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Glad to hear Vera is doing well! said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Glad to hear Vera is doing well!

Wonderfully Made..... Psalm 139:14 said...

AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! Merry Christmas to you Ryan, Nichole, Kiara, and Vera!!! YAY

Jennifer said...

Merry Christmas, Nichole! Who would have ever dreamed this is what you would be doing on Christmas Day! But I have a feeling you would wish it no other way! BTW, ALL my kids were into everything at that age. It will keep you very busy, but I'm sure it will be better once you're home and have more control over the environment. So happy for you guys!